If your not satisfied with your purchase... neither are we.
To return or exchange an item; simply contact our customer support team within 14 days of the original delivery date. We will issue your refund as soon as the product arrives to the warehouse. Please note: your refund for the returned purchased item(s) will not include the shipping charges of the original purchase. Also a 15% restocking fee will be deducted away from your refund.Â
For Exchanges; restocking fee will not be applied, but you will be responsible for shipping charges.Â
All contents and original packaging must be included in order to process your refund or exchange.Â
We will not process a refund or exchange on any items that show or have any of  the following: physical damage, wear, modified, custom orders, items that do not have the original packaging, missing contents, promotional/discounted items, items over 14 days upon delivery,  or if the customer failed to notify us of any visible damages that may have occurred during the delivery process within 48 hours after delivery.
For incorrect items that were shipped on our behalf; a full refund or exchange will be processed within 14 days of delivery. Â Â
For damaged items received upon delivery, a full refund or exchange will be processed within 14 days upon delivery. Please note: it will be your responsibility to notify us within 48 hours for items that show damage upon delivery.
For Defective items a full refund or exchange will be processed within 14 days of delivery. Please note: it will be your responsibility to notify us of any defects on the items. For defects on items after 14 days of delivery will be based upon the manufacture's defect policy warranty.Â
Warranty for defective parts are based upon each manufacture's policy. Contact us for more information regarding warranty for defective items.Â
For further information needed, please go to our "Contact Us" link.